06a3 Friends of Kiowa

Friends of the Kiowa Library

Friends of the Kiowa Library

Who are the Friends of the Kiowa Library?

A group of of Kiowa area residents who support their library in its efforts to provide programs and services to support citizen needs.

What is Our Purpose?

  • We promote the Kiowa Library in the community.
  • We sponsor community events and activities.
  • We provide special items for the library.
  • We hold fundraisers for the library.


  • To raise funds for expansion of the Kiowa Library.  The expansion would allow for community meeting and program space, as well as an updated bathroom.
  • To fund better parking around the library and ADA compliant improvements.
  • To augment funding and materials for ongoing library activities.

How You Can Help:

  • Join the Friends by filling out a membership form at the the Kiowa Library or attending our next meeting.
  • Volunteer to help us with book sales and other fundraisers.

  • Donate funds, books, or prizes.